martes, 19 de junio de 2007

Too Much - Spice Girls

Bueno, dp de un largo receso de una semana aca estoy bloggeando otra vez... A pesar de q la semana anterior tuvo muchas muy buenas noticias, no fue una de esas semanas q a uno le gustaría guardar en la memoria, y creo q no encontré canción q mejor describa lo q siento en este momento; tal vez uds dirán "¿una canción de las Spice?" y bueno, si, una canción de las Spice... en inglés nuevamente (perdón) pero no es tan complicada asiq espero q no se les dificulte...
Solo por esta vez no les voy a exigir q opinen (aunq gralmente no lo hagan), ya q es mas un desahogo q otra cosa esta canción, asiq por ahora los dejo y nos vemos en un prox bloggeo un poco más up... Adios.

Love is blind, as far as the eye can see
Deep and meaningless, words to me
Easy lover, I need a friend
Road to nowhere, twists and turns but will this never end

Well my dear, you'll know that he pleases me
But sometimes illusion ain't no revolution
That ain't no release for me

Too much of something is bad enough
But something's coming over me to make me wonder
Too much of nothing is just as tough
I need to know the way to feel to keep me satisfied

I wrapped myself from around your finger
Hold me too tight or left to linger
Something fine built to last
Slipped up there I guess we're running out of time too fast

Yes my dear you know he soothes me (moves me)
There's no complication there's no explanation
It's just a groove in me

Too much of something is bad enough (bad enough)
But something's coming over me to make me wonder
Too much of nothing is just as tough (just as tough)
I need to know the way to feel to keep me satisfied

What part of no don't you understand
I want a man not a boy who thinks he can


Too much of something is bad enough (bad enough)
But something's coming over me to make me wonder
Too much of nothing is just as tough (just as tough)
I need to know the way to feel to keep me satisfied

Too much of nothing so why don't we give it a try
Too much of something we're gonna be living a lie

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